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Gospel Resources for Asians
A special welcome to all visitors of Asian heritage! This page contains
links to Bibles, stories and websites written in the languages of Asia which tell about Jesus
and His love for the peoples of Asia.
Many followers of Jesus are praying that God will bless the Asian people,
and some of the links on this page have information to help them learn more about Asian languages and cultures.
Thank you for visiting. May the grace and peace of God be yours today!
Bibles in the Languages of Asia
Bibles in Your Language can help you find sources for online, print and audio Bibles in many Asian languages, including:
GotQuestions.org answers basic questions about Christianity in many languages including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Lau, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and other Asian and Pacific languages. |
Facts about Asians and Asian-Americans
The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that 10.9 million people of Asian and Pacific Islander heritage are living in the U.S. in 1999. This is four percent of the U.S. population.
For more information, please look for specific people groups in our master indexes:
The U.S. Census Bureau has mapped where Asian Americans live.
The Census Bureau includes the following people groups in their "Asian and Pacific Islander" category. (If there's a link, you can follow the link to find gospel resources):
More information is available from the Census Bureau as detailed in their list of publications on Asian and Pacific Islander populations.
The Population Reference Bureau publishes articles analyzing data and trends from the 2000 USA Census.
Asia Harvest publishes prayer profiles of selected Asian people groups.
DJ´s Index to Asian American Ministries offers an excellent page of links and resources.
If you want to connect with churches in Asia, a good starting place is the website of the Christian Council of Asia (CCA). They list contact info for 100 churches and Christian associations throughout Asia.
One CAA publication is Sound the Bamboo: CCA Hymnal 2000, which contains 315 hymns in 41 Asian languages. The book costs $15 and is available through their website. |
An online brochure, "Working with Asians," has been published by the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. The brochure is in PDF format, so in order to read it you will need Adobe Acrobat software, available at the site for free.
Indigenous Missions to Asians
The book Revolution in World Missions by K.P. Yohannan describes a movement to support indigenous leaders to go as missionaries to people groups in Asia and India. (Yohannan's organization, Gospel for Asia, will send you this book FREE. To request your copy, click on the banner below.)
Some mission agencies consider the views of GFA and Yohannan controversial. They are concerned that the emphasis on supporting indigenous missionaries could reduce support for traditional foreign missions. In fact, the Missions Fest held in Vancouver, B.C. in February 2000 banned Gospel for Asia (GFA) and Christian Aid Mission (CAM) from exhibiting because of their views. For more on this debate, see this article in B.C. Christan News.
Recommended Reading
Pursuing the Pearl: A Comprehensive Resource for Multi-Asian Ministry
by Ken Uyeda Fong
Judson Press, 1999
Provides practical information on current topics, including:
- Asian American Church Growth
- The Theology of Evangelism
- Equipping Believers
- Lay Ministry
- Spiritual Renewal
- The Role of Women
- New Church Missions
Following Jesus Without Dishonoring Your Parents: Asian American Discipleship
by Jeanette Yep, Peter Cha, Paul Tokunaga, Greg Jao, Susan Cho Van Riesen
Intervarsity Press, 1998
Following Jesus Without Dishonoring Your Parents was written by Asian-Americans who used examples from their own lives to illustrate concepts.
The authors explore how young Asian Americans can make vocational and life choices that show respect for their parents while still serving God, and it deals with crucial topics like marriage and singleness, gender issues, racial reconciliation, and the unique gifts Asians bring to Western culture. |
Losing Face & Finding Grace : 12 Bible Studies for Asian-Americans
by Tom Lin, David K. Gibbons (Introduction)
Intervarsity Press, 1997
No reader reviews
Here are a dozen inductive Bible studies written especially for young Asian-Americans who sometimes struggle with identity and questions of grace. These sensitive studies point to hope embedded in Scripture. |
Communicating Effectively With the Chinese (Communicating Effectively in Multicultural Contexts) by Ko Kao, Stella Ting-Toomey, Ge Gao Sage Publications, 1998
The Discovery of Genesis: How the Truths of Genesis Were Found Hidden in the Chinese Language by C. H. Kang and Ethel Nelson Concordia Publishing House, 1979
Out of Silence: Emerging Themes in Asian American Churches by Fumitaka Matsuoka United Church Press, 1995 |
Genesis and the Mystery Confucius Couldn't Solve by Ethel R. Nelson, Richard E. Broadberry Concordia Publishing House, 1994
No picture available |
Bible Through Asian Eyes by Masao Takenaka, Ron O'Grady Friendship Press, 1991
No picture available |
True Son of Heaven: How Jesus Fulfills the Chinese Culture by David B. Marshall Kuai Mu Press, 1996
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Photo by Susan Thomas, © General Board of Global Ministries. The United Methodist Church. http://gbgm-umc.org.